Helping My Child with Depression

How Can You Help Your Child with Depression? In this article we will discuss: What is Depression and how common is it in children and teens How you can help them What causes depression in children and teens About Child and Teen Depression Depression is recognized among many adults, but...

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack

Stopping an Anxiety Attack Learning how to stop an anxiety can be a daunting task.  However, learning some basic techniques with a little practice you can make a huge impact.  I am going to list some techniques below and describe how they can be practiced in the comfort of your...

Does My Child Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar in Children What is Bipolar? Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder affecting 1-3% of individuals in the United States. The disorder is inherited in families although parental diagnosis does not guarantee their child will have the disorder. The two mood poles include depression and mania, in which the individual...

Does my Toddler Have Anxiety?

Recognizing Anxiety in Toddlers - How to know, if your Toddler Has Anxiety? In the very youngest of children, identifying and diagnosing mental health issues is difficult. Toddlers are developing and growing incredibly quickly at this stage of life and many things can affect their moods, emotions, and thinking. Worries...

Does My Child Have Social Anxiety?

How to Tell if Your Child has Social Anxiety Social anxiety is something that child psychiatrists see and evaluate for often. Social anxiety goes beyond the typical shyness seen in many children. Being around other children and adults brings extreme nervousness and negative feelings to a child who has anxiety...

Anxiety symptoms in children

There are Many Anxiety symptoms in children All children get anxious.  Typical childhood anxiety is called "normative anxiety" and may consist of nervousness with the upcoming school year, going on an airplane for the first time or learning to ride a bike.  Pathological anxiety is severe and persistent anxiety that...

What are the Causes of Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Causes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) presents in childhood or adolescence in about 50% of all cases.  It is a disorder that his known to cluster in families and have a strong genetic component. It is estimated that about 1 to 3% of the population in the...

How to Help Kids with Anxiety

Ways to Help you Child with Anxiety Children Can Have Anxiety Many adults incorrectly think that children cannot possibly have trouble with anxiety or worry, as a child’s life is often viewed as being free from common stressors like financial troubles or job security. However, many types of anxiety that...

What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD- An Overview Definition of OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder (also called OCD), in psychiatry, is defined as a type of anxiety disorder in which the person has recurring, unwanted and invasive thoughts and ideas (this is the obsession) that make them feel driven to do something to relieve that...

What are the Depression Types?

Depression Types When it comes to depression, there are many names and types that you may have heard. Here, we will discuss some of the different depression types. To read more about what causes depression click here. Major Depression This is also sometimes referred to as major depressive disorder (MDD),...