How to Choose a Child Psychiatrist

Choosing the Best Psychiatrist For Your Child  Knowing how to choose a child psychiatrist  that is right for your family is a difficult process. As your child is growing up and in their early formative years, it is important to try to be aware of any childhood issues or challenges...

Medications to Treat ADHD

ADHD Treatment Using Medications We are often asked what are the medication options for ADHD treatment. There are a few different types of medications that are commonly used and some are summarized here. Child psychiatrists often prescribe these, as well as other non-medication treatments for children, teens, and adults with...

How To Distinguish Between Autism, Bipolar Disorder and Childhood Schizophrenia

Think your child might be dealing with Childhood Schizophrenia? Bipolar? Autism? It can be confusing to know how exactly to help them with such tricky symptoms. The best way to get a good analysis of what your child is dealing with is to inquire with a Child Psychiatrist. Breaking Down...

Choosing the Right Anxiety Medication for Children

Anxious children, especially severely anxious children, often benefit from the addition of an anxiety medication. Early treatment is important in these cases because children diagnosed with anxiety are also more likely to carry that anxiety and continue to develop it as they approach adulthood. These medications may be beneficial to...

Does My Child Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar in Children What is Bipolar? Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder affecting 1-3% of individuals in the United States. The disorder is inherited in families although parental diagnosis does not guarantee their child will have the disorder. The two mood poles include depression and mania, in which the individual...

Detecting Early Signs of Depression in Your Teenager

Do you think your teenager might be exhibiting early signs of depression? Being a teen is not easy at times. Almost an adult, starting to drive, teenagers experience more pressure to act like an adult, even though the human brain is not fully developed until the early to mid-20's. Your...

What are the Causes of Childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Causes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) presents in childhood or adolescence in about 50% of all cases.  It is a disorder that his known to cluster in families and have a strong genetic component. It is estimated that about 1 to 3% of the population in the...

Florida Child Psychiatrist

Online Child Psychiatrist in Florida How to Choose a Child Psychiatrist in Florida Choosing a child psychiatrist in Florida is not an easy task. You want someone who is board certified, trained at good hospitals, and who has experience in treating the condition you are seeking medical advice for. Child...

Does my Child have OCD?

How to Know if your Child has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD Many parents contact us with concerns asking "Does my Child have OCD?" Also called obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Let's discuss what OCD is, and when to be concerned and seek professional help.   What is OCD?   Obsessive-compulsive disorder...