Does my Toddler Have Anxiety?

Recognizing Anxiety in Toddlers - How to know, if your Toddler Has Anxiety? In the very youngest of children, identifying and diagnosing mental health issues is difficult. Toddlers are developing and growing incredibly quickly at this stage of life and many things can affect their moods, emotions, and thinking. Worries...

Does My Child Have Social Anxiety?

How to Tell if Your Child has Social Anxiety Social anxiety is something that child psychiatrists see and evaluate for often. Social anxiety goes beyond the typical shyness seen in many children. Being around other children and adults brings extreme nervousness and negative feelings to a child who has anxiety...

Anxiety symptoms in children

There are Many Anxiety symptoms in children All children get anxious.  Typical childhood anxiety is called "normative anxiety" and may consist of nervousness with the upcoming school year, going on an airplane for the first time or learning to ride a bike.  Pathological anxiety is severe and persistent anxiety that...