Teen Depression Statistics

Let's Get into Some Teen Depression Statistics: Depression in teens typically presents with symptoms similar to those of adults.  What is considered unique to teenagers is the higher incidence of irritability in place of intense feelings of depression.  Teens with depression may seem grouchy or just plain bothered by everything...

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack

Stopping an Anxiety Attack Learning how to stop an anxiety can be a daunting task.  However, learning some basic techniques with a little practice you can make a huge impact.  I am going to list some techniques below and describe how they can be practiced in the comfort of your...

Does my Toddler Have Anxiety?

Recognizing Anxiety in Toddlers - How to know, if your Toddler Has Anxiety? In the very youngest of children, identifying and diagnosing mental health issues is difficult. Toddlers are developing and growing incredibly quickly at this stage of life and many things can affect their moods, emotions, and thinking. Worries...

Detecting Early Signs of Depression in Your Teenager

Do you think your teenager might be exhibiting early signs of depression? Being a teen is not easy at times. Almost an adult, starting to drive, teenagers experience more pressure to act like an adult, even though the human brain is not fully developed until the early to mid-20's. Your...

How to Help Kids with Anxiety

Ways to Help you Child with Anxiety Children Can Have Anxiety Many adults incorrectly think that children cannot possibly have trouble with anxiety or worry, as a child’s life is often viewed as being free from common stressors like financial troubles or job security. However, many types of anxiety that...