16 Books for Kids with Anxiety (Updated for 2025)

Anxiety Books for Kids I am frequently asked by parents for book recommendations for their children struggling with anxiety. Picking a kids anxiety book can be a helpful tool in managing anxiety and promoting mental health. Here are some tips on how to choose the right one: Age-appropriate: Make sure...

Choosing the Right Anxiety Medication for Children

Anxious children, especially severely anxious children, often benefit from the addition of an anxiety medication. Early treatment is important in these cases because children diagnosed with anxiety are also more likely to carry that anxiety and continue to develop it as they approach adulthood. These medications may be beneficial to...

Detecting Early Signs of Depression in Your Teenager

Do you think your teenager might be exhibiting early signs of depression? Being a teen is not easy at times. Almost an adult, starting to drive, teenagers experience more pressure to act like an adult, even though the human brain is not fully developed until the early to mid-20's. Your...

Anxiety symptoms in children

There are Many Anxiety symptoms in children All children get anxious.  Typical childhood anxiety is called "normative anxiety" and may consist of nervousness with the upcoming school year, going on an airplane for the first time or learning to ride a bike.  Pathological anxiety is severe and persistent anxiety that...