What Is An Anxiety Doctor?

Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms of several psychological illnesses including depression, bipolar disorders, and panic attacks. It is common to experience mild to moderate anxiety before or during a stressful situation (ex. exams, giving a presentation, confrontation, etc.) Mild to moderate anxiety that occurs occasionally could be...

Anxiety Foods – Foods that Help or Hurt Anxiety

Are there Anxiety Helping Foods for Children? Anxiety problems like generalized anxiety disorder are very common illnesses in the United States. Many parents notice a connection between their child’s diet and symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental and behavioral health problems. But what does the research on nutrition and...

Children’s Anxiety at Bedtime: How to Ease Sleep Anxiety

Children’s Anxiety at Bedtime There are many parents who describe they find their children have anxiety at bedtime. Your child may be having concerns or anxiety related to problems at school such as social issues or social anxiety, problems within the household or family, or a number of other different...

Anxiety Attacks Triggers: What Causes an Attack?

If you want to know anxiety attack triggers, then it is important to first understand anxiety. Anxiety involves feelings of worry, apprehension, and concern about present, future, or past events. Anxiety also manifests as a feeling of fear, terror, or hyper-vigilance (feeling anxiously alert to your surroundings) without a clear...

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack

Stopping an Anxiety Attack Learning how to stop an anxiety can be a daunting task.  However, learning some basic techniques with a little practice you can make a huge impact.  I am going to list some techniques below and describe how they can be practiced in the comfort of your...

Does my Toddler Have Anxiety?

Recognizing Anxiety in Toddlers - How to know, if your Toddler Has Anxiety? In the very youngest of children, identifying and diagnosing mental health issues is difficult. Toddlers are developing and growing incredibly quickly at this stage of life and many things can affect their moods, emotions, and thinking. Worries...