Most Important Mental Health Facts

Did you know one in 25 adults in the US alone experiences a severe mental illness in a given year? On a global scale, these mental health facts are staggering. Mental health significantly impacts our psychological and emotional wellbeing. As mental illnesses are becoming more common it helps to know...

What Is An Anxiety Doctor?

Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms of several psychological illnesses including depression, bipolar disorders, and panic attacks. It is common to experience mild to moderate anxiety before or during a stressful situation (ex. exams, giving a presentation, confrontation, etc.) Mild to moderate anxiety that occurs occasionally could be...

Behavioral Health – What Is it and How Does it Differ From Mental Health? 

Behavioral Health When it comes to behavioral health, many individuals find themselves suffering from issues pertaining to depression, anxiety, weight loss, drinking and drug use, or more. This has also led to a considerable amount of healthcare providers offering options to individuals that find themselves struggling with a behavioral health...