Mental Health

Types of Psychologists

There are many types of psychologists in the work force. Psychology has a wide array of fields open to individuals who want to explore the science behind the mind, behavior, mental health, and actions of others. In terms of study areas, here are some common areas of psychology that people...
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Adult Psychiatry Anxiety Consultation

How to Treat Anxiety

How Do Professionals Treat Anxiety? Psychotherapy and medications are the two principal ways to treat anxiety.  Moderate to severe anxiety is typically best treated with both medication and therapy (cognitive behavioral therapy, also called CBT).  Let's discuss two main treatment options: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for Anxiety Medications for Anxiety...
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How to Explain Anxiety to Children and People Who Don’t Understand It (Yet!)

Explain Anxiety to a Child Many of us are familiar with what anxiety is, which is a normal emotion people feel when in overwhelming or tense situations. However, if one feels higher levels of anxiety than usual, and it comes often, it may be a medical disorder. This is what...
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Autism in Women: Why It Is Different and What to Know

Autism is a condition affecting how one would behave, communicate, and socialize with other people. This is also known as the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which has different subtypes or severities. Some people call one of those Asperger's syndrome, but all are treated as a condition that has a wide-ranging...
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Anxiety in Teens

The age group of tweens and teens is extremely difficult.  Physical changes, hormonal challenges, peer pressure, and emotional disruption can all contribute to the confusion for both the adolescent and parents. What Causes Anxiety in Teens? Professionals don't thoroughly understand the combination of genetics, life events, brain activities, and other...
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