Child Development

Occupational Therapy Toys

Occupational Therapy Toys for Kids of All Ages Toys can play an important role in occupational therapy, as they can help individuals develop and improve their fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, visual perceptual skills, and sensory processing abilities. Occupational therapists often use toys as a tool to engage...
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22 Games for Children with Autism

As a child psychiatrist, I often use games to work with the children with autism who I see regularly as my patients. All of these games can help with different aspects or challenges that some children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may have -- they are also just fun. Games can...
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Child Development

15 Science Games for Kids (and why you need them)

Science Games for Kids that You (and they) Will Love   When you buy science games for your kids, it’s great if they’re educational games, crafts, or kits as well. It can be hard to find ones that will keep your child’s interest for more than a few minutes. Games...
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30 Affirmations for Depression

Perhaps the worst part of depression is the deep pit of self-hate and/or gloomy thoughts that you have to live through. These can hit so hard that finding your way out seems impossible at that time. Seeing yourself as a worthy human can be hard, and it can damage you...
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Autism Child Development

Social Skills Games

Games that Help with Social Skills Games can be a fun and effective way to help kids learn social skills. Playing games with peers or family members provides children with opportunities to practice communication, cooperation, and problem-solving in a fun and engaging way. Games that involve turn-taking, such as board...
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