30 Affirmations for Depression

Perhaps the worst part of depression is the deep pit of self-hate and/or gloomy thoughts that you have to live through. These can hit so hard that finding your way out seems impossible at that time. Seeing yourself as a worthy human can be hard, and it can damage you long-term if you don’t have some coping methods. One such way is using positive affirmations for depression to remind yourself of your worth and humanity.



Positive affirmations for depression are great to help put your life in perspective and remind you that you matter. Sometimes, it is hard to think positively through the darkness, so you need a nudge to put you on the right path. Repeating them to yourself at your lowest points can give you the motivation you need to tide you over that period. You can write down personalized positive affirmations, but you can start with these great examples

  1. My sadness and my depression do not define me
  2. I don’t have to be productive to see value in myself
  3. I am resilient in the face of any challenge
  4. I am in charge of my life, and my happiness and I feel happy and content
  5. Not everybody will understand my situation, and it is okay
  6. I am much more than what I think I am
  7. Every day is a gift, and I am blessed to see today. I will see tomorrow and the next and bless them too
  8. I have made it this far, and I won’t stop now
  9. I am loved and appreciated even when it seems like I’m not
  10. I am a work in progress, and I welcome every positive change. The darkness is in the past, and I open my eyes to new beginnings
  11. I am more than what people think I am, and my thoughts do not shape my life
  12. I am needed regardless of how worthless I feel
  13. Everything will work out perfect for me, and I will watch it unfold
  14. I forgive myself, and I don’t blame myself for my current situation
  15. It’s in my head. It won’t last forever, and I will come out stronger
  16. I deserve love, joy, and happiness. I deserve everything good
  17. I don’t have anything to prove to myself or anybody else. I am enough, and that is okay
  18. This darkness won’t last forever
  19. I am not perfect, and it is okay. I forgive myself and everyone for not being perfect. We are enough, and that is all that counts
  20. I love myself, and I am happy
  21. I am capable and driven to overcoming my depression.
  22. I will choose to focus on positive thoughts and feelings.
  23. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  24. I am stronger and more powerful than my depression.
  25. I am grateful for the many good things in my life.
  26. I will find joy in everyday moments.
  27. I have faith in my ability to heal and grow.
  28. I deserve to feel happy and fulfilled.
  29. I am surrounded by love and support.
  30. I am making progress towards better mental health every day.

Check out our post on Depression Quotes as well

Depression can leave a dark cloud hanging over your head after a long time, and getting over a depressive episode can be mentally and physically challenging. Without some help, it can be challenging to pull yourself out of the slump and get back on track. These affirmations are not a remedy for your depressive episodes, but they will help you get in the right frame of mind to battle that episode and come out even stronger.

If you suffer from depression please call your doctor or psychiatrist right away. In Florida, give us a call at NowPsych.