How to Find a Holistic Psychiatrist Near Me


If you are looking for ways to manage mental illness holistically before talking about drug therapy, you will likely start to be on the lookout for “holistic psychiatrists near me”. 

Prescription drugs are efficient, and can help you see effects immediately, but they are not one size fits all. Each person may react differently to drug therapies and so it’s important to find a psychiatrist you’re comfortable with. If you are looking for non-medicinal treatments, you may look into a holistic psychiatrist near you. 

Holistic psychiatrists try things like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), talk therapy, better nutrition, sleep optimization, exercise and supplements before turning to prescription drugs. You may be asked to cut out sugar or other food additives. There are a many alternative therapies out there that your holistic psychiatrist would know about. 

Get a Referral for a Holistic Psychiatrist Near Me

If you are fully convinced that a holistic psychiatrist is the one for you, the easiest way to find a competent one is to ask for a referral from your primary care giver. You may have to also look into your insurance company, and see if they’ll refer one to you, and if insurance will cover your costs. 

You’ll typically find that holistic psychiatrists have their own private clinics. They may not work for a regular hospital or facility that does not support alternative practices. You may find one at an alternative healthcare institution. 

Holistic psychiatrists still practice psychotherapy, like many psychiatrists and they have a medical degree just like other psychiatrists. The only difference is their approach to drug prescription. They are also more open to non-invasive therapies, more likely to take both your physical and mental health into consideration when recommending treatment. 

After shortlisting available psychiatrists, make a consultation appointment for the purpose of meeting the doctor. You’ll want to check out for yourself if they are the right fit for you, especially if you have to work with them for some length of time. 

How to Check Credentials 

Psychiatrists are board certification from the Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. They are there to serve public interest and help promote excellence of practice in their profession.

This board certification has an expiry date, after which the doctor has to retrain for a Maintenance of Certification. This is a program to make sure their professional knowledge is up-to-date. 

If you want to check the certification of your doctor, contact your board certification board. You’ll also want to make sure your prospective holistic psychiatrist does not have any malpractice claims, or suspicious actions towards their past patients. 

A quick google search on your doctor might even do the job. Check to see if they maintain a LinkedIn profile with all their credentials published on the internet. Doctors get reviewed by their patients too!  

Find a Holistic Psychiatrist Near Me Based on Experience

Just like other psychiatrists, your holistic psychiatrist may have a specialty. Find one that specializes or has a strong interest in your specific mental health issue. You can ask your psychiatrist if they’ve had patients with similar conditions as yourself. 

For instance, not many psychiatrists are experienced with patients suffering serious post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because these patients are rare, unless you live in a warzone.

Ask your doctor the kinds of procedures and therapies they are able to provide. If you want to try CBT or some other specific therapy, you’ll have to ask directly if your doctor trained in it.  

Who are You Most Comfortable With

Because a psychiatrist is someone you’ll be working closely with, it’s important you trust them and feel comfortable with them. You’ll be working with your psychiatrist more closely than a regular doctor who is giving routine examinations. 

This is why you may want to consider whether you’re more comfortable talking with a man or a woman. Other factors would be the doctor’s communication style. Are you comfortable talking with them and asking questions? 

If you’re too guarded against your psychiatrist, talk therapy may not work for you. You’ll be wasting your time with the wrong psychiatrist. In this aspect, trust your own feelings and  your instincts if this person is someone you can get along with and work with. 

If you are choosing a psychiatrist for your child, ask the child’s opinion and observe on the side if your child is comfortable with this psychiatrist before making a decision. 

Bring Your Search Online 

When looking for a holistic psychiatrist near you, you can be limited by several factors. If you live in a large city, it won’t be too difficult to find a holistic doctor. But if you live in a small town, finding a holistic psychiatrist in your area could be more difficult. 

To save yourself long trips, ask about telehealth care. You make a virtual visit to the practice of your holistic psychiatrist. Many doctors now have brought their practice online, and you’ll be able to make an appointment with them regardless of your location. Your insurance plan might even cover telehealth care consultations, so look into it.  

Once you find a psychiatrist you think you may like, make a telehealth care consultation. Remember this cannot fully replace a person-to-person visit, but it will save you time and it is good enough for now.