How an ADHD Coach Helps Overcome Symptoms and Live Independently

ADHD coach

ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common learning and behavioral disorder. Once diagnosed, there are many avenues of treatment, one being engaging an ADHD Coach.

Though ADHD is commonly detected in young children, it can also affect adults. The symptoms of ADHD include lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Regular treatment of ADHD by a coach or a counselor can help you overcome these symptoms in a safe and effective way and enable you to live an independent life.

Types of Treatments for ADHD

ADHD treatments usually involve a combination of different therapies including the use of medications, behavioral therapy, family counseling and lifestyle interventions.

In most cases, treatments can have a positive influence on the symptoms like inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity allowing the person to lead a healthy and independent life.

Behavioral Therapy for ADHD

Behavior therapy has been found to be highly effective in the management of ADHD in children and adults. Behavior management is often the first line of treatment your counselor might recommend you to control your symptoms.

The therapies are aimed at improving your attention span or ability to focus on tasks and activities and controlling actions and behaviors that stem from impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Your ADHD coach will assess the progress throughout the treatment and may recommend changes in the therapies to help you derive better results.

Family Counseling

ADHD affects not just the ability of the child to pay attention and sit still at school. Children diagnosed with ADHD may also exhibit disruptive behaviors that can have an adverse effect on their personal relationships and hamper their ability to interact with others.

If these symptoms are severe, your ADHD coach might recommend family counseling to improve healthy personal relations. Family counseling in combination with behavior therapy would reduce disruptive behaviors and improve your personal relations and social interaction skills.

The goal of behavior therapy is to strengthen or learn positive behavior and eliminate hyperactive or disruptive behaviors.

Medications for ADHD

Medication can help to improve ADHD symptoms and control behaviors that create difficulties at school and with family and friends.

Medications approved by the FDA for the treatment of ADD & ADHD are broadly categorized into stimulants and non-stimulants. Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications depending on your specific symptoms and tendencies.

Lifestyle Strategies for ADHD

Research studies have shown that lifestyle interventions aimed at improving social skills and setting healthy habits can have a huge positive influence on the symptoms of ADHD.

Here are some lifestyle strategies your ADHD coach might advise you to incorporate into your daily routine. Parents of kids diagnosed with ADHD can also follow these strategies to help their child overcome the symptoms.

  • Create a routine and follow a fixed schedule from your wake-up time till bedtime.
  • Limit choices to avoid feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed.
  • Organize your tasks and keep your daily essentials at fixed places so that you can follow a proper routine and do not miss out on important things due to the lack of attention.
  • Make a list of goals and acknowledge and appreciate positive behaviors.
  • Avoid distractions by turning off the TV, limiting noise, and having a clean workspace while studying or performing any activities.
  • Encourage discipline without scolding, spanking, or yelling.
  • Exercise regularly as it would enhance the healthy balance of hormones in the nervous system and control behavioral symptoms.


With proper guidance from your coach or counselor, it is possible to improve the symptoms of ADHD and learn occupational and social skills. This would enable you to develop healthy personal relations, be financially independent and socially active, and lead your life to the fullest.

If you’re looking for a virtual or in-person evaluation or ADHD coach, make an appointment today, with Dr. Sean Paul.